New Exclusive Asiatic Lilies
Asiatic lilies are increasing in popularity as potted plants and landscape perennials. Many plant producers have expanded their production of these easy-to-grow plants, as they provide an impressive display of color at the retail site and fit nicely into production plans.
In addition to our current asiatic lines of Matrix and Joy series are 4 new, exclusive colors of asiatic lilies:
Watermelon Punch (VL2013-15)
Raspberry Blast (VL2012-10)
Pink Blossom (VL2012-9)
Strawberry Fields (VL2012-12)
This new collection has compact plant habits with lovely bicolor blossoms.Similar in habit and height to our popular Matrix line, the plants will flower in app 63 days.
Flamingo Holland is currently accepting orders for the 2018 season on these new varieties. Contact your sales manager for further details.