Chilean and Dutch Lily Harvest - Fall 2018
We have all the Chile Oriental lily bulbs in transit to North America! The harvest went well due to good harvest conditions at digging. We saw in some varieties expected yields and in some we ended up with larger bulb sizes. What has already arrived in our building is looking well. Good sizing and roots. We have started shipping the first lilies just last week to our customers. We will be able to tell more on the performance by December but so far we’re excited with what we see! Unfortunately this year we are low on Pot Orientals from Chile due to switching of planting stock material.
We have sent over clean planting stocks of Starlight Express and other varieties, so we will be back with those in 2019. We still have some availability for this year for Cut flower production. For any information on this, please check in with us!
The Dutch harvest has started and the first LA Hybrids came into our warehouse 2 weeks ago. We would have expected more bulbs at this moment but the warmer weather has it delayed a bit. What came in looks well but we will see in the next few weeks how it will develop.